Student Absence Policy
If this happens... | Parents should do this...
If a student is absent from school for any reason
| Fill out the EPCS School Absence Form or call the Administrative Office no later than 8:10 a.m. Email [email protected], or call the Administrative Office.
In addition, the parent/guardian must send a note on the student’s day of return, otherwise the absence will be considered unexcused.. When absent for 3 or more days, a doctor’s note is required.
A doctor’s note is required for any absence due to contagious illness (flu, ringworm, chicken pox, pink eye, head lice, etc.).
The student will need to make up the work that was missed during their absence. Excessive tardiness has the potential of impacting grades and, in some cases, promotion. |
In case a child must leave school early
| Parents must come into the Administrative Office and sign the student out of school.
Important: A student may be denied promotion to the next grade when the number of excused and unexcused absences combined exceeds 18 in a specific grade or course.
Students absent for extended medical reasons will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
New Jersey Statute 6A:32-8.4 explains that an "Excused Absence" is a pupil's absence from school for a full day or a portion of a day for one or more of the following reasons:
The pupil's illness
Requirements of a pupil's individual health care plan
A death or critical illness in the pupil's immediate family, or others with permission of the Principal
Observance of the pupil's religion on a day approved for that purpose by the State Board of Education
Participation in “Take Our Child to Work” Day
Participation in observance of Veteran’s Day
The pupil's suspension from school
Requirements of the pupil's Individual Education Program (IEP)
Short or long-term accommodations for pupils with disabilities
The pupil's required attendance in court
Interview with an admissions officer of an educational institution
Necessary and unavoidable medical or dental appointments that cannot be scheduled at a time other than the school day
Such good cause as may be acceptable to the Building Principal
New Jersey Statute explains that an "Unexcused Absence" is a pupil's absence for all or part of a school day for any reason other than those listed above. Absence is expressly not excused for any of the following purposes (This list is intended to be illustrative and is not inclusive.)
Family travel unrelated to the instructional program
Performance of household or babysitting duties
Other daytime activities unrelated to the school program
Student Attendance
Attendance is taken by each homeroom teacher on a daily basis using OnCourse. If a student is absent, the teacher is to record the absence as “excused” or “unexcused” based on the above criteria. Elementary homeroom teachers are also responsible for keeping an accurate record of tardies and early departures on OnCourse. The Administrative Office will keep record of tardies and early departures of Middle School students on OnCourse.
Family Vacations
We understand that there will be times when a student’s family vacations can only be scheduled while school is in session; however, we strongly discourage families from scheduling family vacations during the school year as these days are considered unexcused absences.
We respectfully request that families schedule such important, often educational experiences, during the school’s vacation times. In the event that such arrangements are not possible, the office and respective teachers are to be notified in advance of the absence.
Unreported Student Absences
As stated above, it is the parent’s responsibility to notify the administrative office when their child is going to be absent. If the administrative office has not received a call by 8:10 a.m., the school nurse will conduct a wellness call that day. All attempts will be made to contact parents using the work and/or emergency numbers that were submitted to the office.
If a student is absent for three consecutive days without notification, or the school nurse is unable to make parent contact, the school guidance counselor and school social worker will conduct a joint home visit.
Student Tardy Policy
The school day begins at 8:00 am. A student is considered tardy when he/she arrives at school after 8:10 a.m. All students who arrive after 9:00 a.m. are required to report to the Administrative Office with an adult to be signed in.
If a student is marked tardy, his/her attendance will be reflected on their Report Card and Attendance Card.